and Sims
examples of virtual environments I would like to use for instruction are ON24
and the Sims game. My rationale for choosing these virtual environments are
they give players the chance to make choices and engage in those learning as
they wish. ON24’s URL is http://www.on24.com/products/virtual-environments/.
ON24 is an interactive environment that
can be tailored to look like our classroom. Students log in to the environment and
are directed to courses and resources. The courses can be interactive. I could
present resources at the left of the screen. Students can read the information
and advance to other classes. I could give information on the carotid pulse;
location, facts, and pictures. Next, the students can answer questions. If they
answer the questions correctly, they can advance on to the next pulse site.
This virtual environment reminds me of the Sims game. The Sims game URL is https://www.thesims.com. The Sims game is a
life simulation game wherein players can choose their own character and make
choices about any aspects of their lives. I would create a Sims game wherein
the students are nursing assistants. They would have to choose the appropriate
pulse site to assess. If the students choose the correct pulse site, the
patient will live. If the students choose the wrong pulse site, the patient
would die.
Website: Retrieved from http://www.on24.com/products/virtual-environments/.
Website: Retrieved from https://www.thesims.com.