Sunday, December 4, 2016

My FreeCE and Darton

My Free CE and Darton

            My free CEU is a website that can be used by health professionals to gain credit hours for work. The URL is Healthcare workers can read and take test to gain credit hours to keep their license up to date. These websites are helpful in getting license renewed. As an adult educator, I can assign free courses to students. The courses that I would assign are the ones that correlate with the lessons that I am teaching.

            Another resource that I would support is distance learning. Most of my students attend more than one college simultaneously. For example, they are high school students that are in the MOWR program taking Nursing Assistant Courses and attending online college at a surrounding college. The URL for one of the surrounding colleges my students attend is My students are taking Calculus classes online at this college.


Website: Retrieved from

Website: Retrieved from


  1. Hi Shawatha!
    The CEU website you were referring to sounds great! It reminds me of Coursera. Coursera is a MOOC site, and MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course. Many of the courses are free. They have started including some courses that allow participants to receive a certificate. One of my colleagues signed up for a few classes on Coursera just so he could see how other instructors are teaching the content, and to see other options of resources he could use in his classes for students.

  2. Shawatha,

    Thank you for providing this information on the myfreece, as my sons fiance will be taking courses at Carrington College for nursing and I believe this site will help her make some vital educational decisions.

